Add Name Attribute to GravityForms Form Tag

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Here you will find the code that will add the name="" attribute to the <form> tag of all gravity forms that is based on the title of the form. Can be useful if you are wanting to turn on GA4 Form Interactions within the GA4 data stream.

add_filter( 'gform_form_tag', 'modify_gf_tag', 10, 2 );
function modify_gf_tag( $form_tag, $form ) {
    if ( empty( $form_tag ) ) {
        // Don't add the input when other integrations have removed the form tag.
        return $form_tag;
    $title = rgar( $form, 'title' );
    // Sanitize the title to not contain any double quotes if it does replace it with a single quote.
    $title = str_replace('"', "'", $title);

    //check to see if name already exists in the form tag
    if (strpos($form_tag, "|name=|") === false ) 
        $form_tag = preg_replace( "|action='|", 'name="'.$title.'" action=\'', $form_tag );

    return $form_tag;


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